Ten Tips for Creativity

Creativity is a Superpower

Simon Hodgkins
2 min readApr 8, 2022

1/10 Ten Tips for Creativity. “A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.” T.S. Eliot. Diverse sources and experiences help create better ideas.

2/10 In a world of AI, humans are more important than ever. AI can provide a space and support for human creativity. Technology is driving the need for greater creativity. We are on the road to even more creative developments.

3/10 Creative insight is often unstructured, sometimes chaotic; it needs time and space to daydream and look at things differently. It can be unpredictable and random, and other times more planned. Some create on-demand, others on the fly, and some at rest.

4/10 Teach yourself, don’t wait to be taught. “The illiterate of the twenty-first century won’t be those who can’t read or write. But those who can’t unlearn and relearn.” Alvin Toffler.

5/10 An idea can be developed in isolation and become a great idea when you improve upon it as a team.

6/10 Creativity can deliver tangible business results. Creativity helps to drive a business forward. Consider how creative thinking can fundamentally change a business and improve revenues and profits.

7/10 Detox from your devices and be disconnected from the online world for a little while. Do nothing. Think. Let thoughts come and go. Our brains are constantly being force-fed information. Take time to think, reflect and ponder!

8/10 Allow the free flow of ideas. Generate more ideas than you need. Apply green light thinking. Do not evaluate the initial ideas. Let them flow. There is time for evaluation later.

9/10 Innovation cannot exist without elements of creativity. Apply creativity to work smarter instead of harder. Encourage creative thinking in your environment and look for ways to act on new creative ideas that can make a significant impact.

10/10 Use creative thinking to identify new opportunities. Promote open-mindedness, flexibility, and support for diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and skills. Creativity is a critical skill today and in the future. Implement practices to develop creative thinking.

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